Monday, 5 December 2011

Plan of Action....

So having come back from the CELTA course, attended a funeral, and now somehow regained my brain, I returned my attention to my manuscript - and pretty much trashed the lot. However what I have left is the basis for my new plan, with which I should have a working skeleton manuscript by mid-January. This assumes that all things will go according to plan when of course the only real truism of life is that the plans will change!

Regardless, the plan is to spend roughly 1-1.5 days on each chapter, splurging anything and everything onto the page.  As there are 17 chapters, a prologue and (perhaps) and epilogue this should take between 18-36 days. Then, and only then, editing can take place - and maybe i'll end up with something workable.....Or it may all, once again, be consigned to the recycle bin.....

Let battle commence.....