Wednesday, 12 October 2011

When is a book not a book? --- When it's a Kindle!

I have been an avid book lover for as long as I can remember. I have no memory of not being able to read. As you can imagine, therefore, I have a large quantity of books. This has only one major drawback: You can't carry them all around with you.

Despite this obvious issue, I wasn't sure about the arrival of e-books and the Kindle. I like to feel the weight of a book in my hands, feel the pages beneath my fingers and then there's the smell of book both new and old. I can't imagine the Kindle giving you any of that.

And now I own one.

Have I changed my tune though? True it has now earned a permanent place in my bag along side the ipod - the main reason being I can now carry hundreds of books around with me in my pocket and it weighs no more than a single one and is distinctly less bulky. And true, I now read book I hadn't read before because they were cheaper or even free. I can't deny that I love the thing.

Has it altered my love of books? No. It hasn't. There is still nothing that beats the physical book, only now I can be more discerning, trying snippets of books if I'm not sure and, if I love them insanely in Kindle edition (see Captivating, Enchanting, Sublime  - below) then I can buy them in hard copy - and I can bare to wait for the paperback.

What the Kindle has done, therefore, is to enhance the enjoyment of reading, and allowed the greater choice whilst on the move.

Amazon - I salute you!

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