In all honesty it is a wonder how anyone finds anything in Hong Kong. There is hardly a direct route to anything. The one exception I can think of is the elevated walkway that takes you straight into Immigration Tower (though as I discovered this only works if you exit the MTR station in the right direction.)
No, in Hong Kong it sometimes feels like you have to go round in five circles, do eight star jumps, a hopscotch and then you might as well throw in the monster mach for good measure - and that's well before you even reach your destination. It's not that things aren't well signposted - the signposting in Hong Kong is some of the best I've seen - You just cannot go anywhere in a "straight" line.
Not that this is something to really complain about - you get to see a lot of the city and take in the atmosphere, but at this time of year the heat (or rather humidity) can make it somewhat of a challenge. On the upside, this convoluted way of getting to places means that you can stumble across the most extraordinary and fantastic things that otherwise you might never have found.
In Hong Kong you never know what may be around the next corner!