Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Death to Pemberley!

Death Comes to Permberley was one of the most eagerly anticipated books of the year and was included in this years hall of Christmas reading material. I was, as I always am to receive a book, thrilled. When embarking upon  reading it I was less so. I am a great P.D. James fan, and I have loved everything of hers that I  have read. I am also intrigued by the idea of an Austen-era crime, but that is also in my view the books downfall.

It would have been impossible to write this book without using Austen's most well known and loved cast of characters, and the dedication P.D. James put into the book ensuring that every word and sentence was correct can clearly be seen on every page. The book is in this way a work of art. However it has also cast a shadow on my enjoyment of Pride and Prejudice, to the extent that I had to stop reading it. I found it impossible to match my ideas of the characters from my copious readings of Pride and Prejudice to James's continuation. In short I feel that if I read any more of Death Comes to Permberley it may well mean the death of the Pemberley of my imagination.

P.D. James has produced another well written, captivating book that is exemplary of her craft and I would recommend it highly to anyone, along with a caution as for in my view the ingenuity was not enough to make me disassociate from my created truths. Here's hoping one day I'll be able to pick it up again and finish it.

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