Thursday, 25 July 2013

Lurgied up but battling on...

There is only one thing worse than being ill... Being ill and not being able to read. That happened to me on Monday, and it sucked! Endless time to read is usually the only saving grace of being under-the-weather, and the only thing that keeps you from the insanity that is illness related boredom. Sadly I am not in great danger of the latter. Although I have been struck down with tonsillitis, it's a mild bout and I am working through it (yet another astounding set of words to put on a page for those who know me, but in the past 14 months I've worked through nearly every illness thrown at me bar the occasion I was signed off by the doc!)

Even so, on Monday morning I was in my bed and all I could do was sleep. In fairness I needed it, but it was also my precious morning off... I was planning some epic reading time this week, and all of it has been nabbed from me in the name of recovery. There have, however, been a few inane things I have managed to do so far this week: 
  • I Got Stamps...

Yes, yes I know this is sad (and I haven't divulged my full collection on here) but I just can't get enough of them, and being the snail mail aficionado it means I can create things like this:

Now come on, who doesn't want to receive a letter with waving robots adorning the paper and the envelope!  Sometimes I think that I should go into business, but then it wouldn't be so exciting would it! And besides, it wouldn't be nearly so much fun sending them then! 

  • I've found great joy in eating dragon fruit out of the bowls given to me by a departed friend... now just look at how good that looks! 

  • I started to write out a blog post in long-hand! What can I say, I'm old school like that! 

And the best bit, when I started feeling that bit better;

  • I BAKED!! It's been a long time since my last baking outing and it's still as calm and therapeutic as ever (even if they did come out a little on the large side!)

Slowly, things seem to be on the up ill-wise! Naps have been my saviour and all the news of the Royal Baby has done wonders in passing on good feelings a-plenty. Here's to next week looking a little brighter, now I'm off for a cookie and a nap! 

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