Sunday, 6 October 2013

All Quiet on the Eastern Front...

I have been shockingly bad at keeping up with posts in recent weeks months! How did that happen...?? I became a brain dead zombie for the duration of summer, that's how, and I just about seem to be returning to regular functionality - all in time for the winter bugs to hit! Oh the joys! But, finally, I have (mostly) leveled back out and I have done something worth writing about! I visited a Theme Park!!!

Now for many this will be received with a shrug of the shoulders and a "so what", but I have never been to a Theme Park before... I have made it a third of the way through my 20's and avoided them all together until last Monday, at which point I was running around Hong Kong's Ocean Park with the same amount of excitement as a five year old!

The best bit... PANDAS!!! oh yes... I have now seen Pandas and all they do is... eat... Well I suppose they have to, so who can blame them, but all that eating makes Pandas a dull watch. The reaction from the locals when the Pandas appear is amazing. Whoops, cheers and shouts of amazement and joy. It was both strange and endearing at the same time - it is their national animal after all! Oh!!! And there were penguins! They are so CUTE! (yes, yes, lots of capitals... they really are though!) It's oh so black and white at the moment...

The rides part of the Theme Park experience, I could take or leave. I've been on a roller coaster now, so that can be ticked of the Mental List Of Things I should Do At Least Once (a long title, but does what it says on the tin) and I can also tick of Ferris wheel (yes, I'd never been on one of those either). These - and other rides - were great fun but I'm not feeling a great need to run back for round two however - brilliant day though it was.

Ocean Park being Ocean Park there are, of course, lots... and lots... and lots... and lots... of fish. Seals, Dolphins, Walruses, stingrays, A HAMMERHEAD SHARK (I am rather fond of them...) and jellyfish to name but a few (and some rather snazzy carp too). They were great (especially the jellyfish - very artfully displayed) and I had so much fun wandering between the different tanks!

All in all a great day out - and FINALLY we have a post.... deary me it has been far, far, far too long! Off to find my writing hat...

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