Wednesday, 15 May 2013

In Search Of Something New (52 Weeks #14)

They really are coming thick and fast at the moment. I'm just devouring books that come my way. This one did not quite hit the spot. It's always risky reading a book in the same genre and style as your favourite author, but I'm always willing to give something new a whirl! I came upon Excavation by James Rollins by accident (yes, it's another one from Flow) and more than anything I wanted to see how it compared with Matthew Reilly's Temple or Seven Ancient Wonders.

I do like the cover!
Sucker for a cover me!

Excavation was neither a success or a disappointment. It held me for the first few chapter, but then I found that it jumped around too much with no real plot direction and characters coming and going like nobody's business. The first two thirds of the book did move at a decent pace, but all my reading of Reilly's books had clearly spoiled me. He introduces his characters to you and gives you enough time, but not too much, to get an idea and feel for them before he tips them headfirst into action and adventure. Rollins just tipped me straight into the action and adventure with these people I had never met and knew next to nothing about. So we have a group of people blasting one man behind his back... why? Show me a reason he deserves that first! I also found Maggie to be a touch on the stereotypical side.

The last third was more of a mess, like looking out of the window when you're on a train. The scenery is all there, you know it is, but you can't really see anything, it's gone in a flash. And the ending, lackluster. I'm glad I gave Rollins a go and I wouldn't say no to reading another one of his books were one to come my way, but I'm not going to go out seeking one just yet.

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