Sunday, 12 May 2013

The Quick Read and the Non-Starter (52 Books #12)

I whipped though this book in no time at all, admittedly helped by the fact that it was only just over 100 pages long, but don't let that belittle it in any way. Hell Island but Matthew Reilly was the only Scarecrow book I had yet to read and there it was sitting on a shelf in Flow, calling to me!

I was engrossed from the beginning as Reilly drew me in the way he always does. The fact he managed to explain so much and continue Scarecrows development in so few words showed his skill and the story moved along at incredible pace but never felt rushed. 

I'm not going to go into plot detail, Reilly's books have to be read and appreciated by the individual and this is no exception. I'm also sure I read it differently to anyone who's picking this up as their first Matthew Reilly book. It is a magnificent introduction to his style and to this set of characters and I can see how this book can make a reader want to go and find out what happened before and after the events on the page. 

Scarecrow will always be a favorite of mine and I doubt I'd ever be able to talk about any or Reilly's book without bias. He is brilliant and I CANNOT wait for his next offering - see I'm so excited I'm using capitals!! 

I also started Vernon Godlittle by DBC Pierre last week. I battled through a few chapters before I had to put it to one side. It did nothing at all for me and I felt no reason to trudge my way through the rest of it. I can appreciate that it is a style that would appeal to many, but sadly it didn't float my boat. Instead I trawled through the kindle backlog and came across a sample of Divided Kingdom...I had to buy the book so that I could find out what happend next...nearly done now so will let you know how it goes! 

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